Sunday, December 23, 2007
Love Handle Exercises - Strategy 2 V-Ups
Posted by
Brian Jackway
6:55 PM
Labels: love handle exercise
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Start Your Day With This Magnificent Secret
This inspirational video of only 2 minutes 34 seconds is one of the most powerful ways to start your morning and to remember you have the possibility of making every day great - if you believe it to be so.
Love handle exercises or any other fitness routine requires your mind to be focussed on what you want to become. Not what you are in the present. The secret is to build your ideal you and to live by the mantra,
Click Here to Visit the Secret
The Secret to You..A Gift From The Secret Scrolls.
or Just watch the video below
Remember to switch your speaker up
If the video stalls just pause it for a few minutes and then play
Posted by
Brian Jackway
9:23 PM
Labels: abdominal fat. love handle exercises, love handle exercise
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Love Handle Exercises: Strategy 1 - Side Bends
This exercise will get you huffing and puffing too, in a moderate way, if you do them quickly.
Flexibility and strength of the abdominal area will be your reward for repeated doses of this great love handle exercise.
The starting phase is to start with your feet shoulder width apart in a comfortable stance.
Then raise your right arm straight up so that your bicep is virtually touching on your ear.
Bend as far as possible to the left side in extreme fashion so that one arm is reaching way down past the side of your leg to the calf region and the right arm stays upwards close to your ear.
As you get this stretch as far as possible, rock back and forward once just a couple of inches before retracting back and changing sides as quickly as possible.
Go side from side and repeat this exercise for 50 - 120 times. Each time go for more repetitions and beat your best.
If you do this in fast (but effective) fashion, you will also get some aerobic benefit. This love handle exercise routine dictates normal breathing whilst taking part.
Whilst undertaking any love handle exercises, it is critical to see yourself in your minds eye (as thin and fit) and feel how good it is to be this way (even if you are not in reality). Visualizing your future success now is an important mind technique that will add fuel to your routine.
Do this Love Handle Exercises strategy stand alone or with any other fitness routine but for best results do it effectively without loss of form.
Good luck and get cracking. Only applied action ever gets results.
I struggled for many many years in losing weight and getting fit. Finally some bad news about my heart motivated to make big changes. I found this site also. It helped me with great love handle exercises, workouts and diet tips that are practical and easy to follow.
Click Here for a Great Resource for Fitness and Diet Help
Posted by
Brian Jackway
6:20 PM
Labels: abdominal fat. love handle exercises, love handle exercises
Saturday, December 15, 2007
1st Crucial Aspect of Succeeding at Fitness: How To Lose Love Handles
As a business coach I have seen this over and over again. Often people know what to do but will not do it for lots of reasons. Perhaps it is time poor or lack of motivation but when you throw a dose of accountability in - everything can change.
Accountability is the bridge between succeeding at your fitness goals. Having someone hold you accountable means you will:
1) have higher motivation as someone is pushing you to get moving and to succeed.
2) You get expert advice on how to go about your fitness program and on how to lose your love handles
3) You stick to a plan of attack rather than having no plan.
Mark my words - Accountability works.
If you have a history of failing at your fitness, diet or weight loss routines, this is probably one of the key reasons why: lack of accountability.
Here are some suggestions:
You just need to get someone to push you, spark you into action. This could be:
- Fitness Trainer
- Personal Trainer
- Gym Instructor
- Partner
- Creating a team with one or more other people whereby you hold each other accountable.
In the greatest motivational book of all time, Napolean Hill's Think and Grow Rich, he mentions one key success principle which we are following here. For anything worthwhile in our lives, forming a mastermind group (or team) always produces better results than if you attempt anything worthwhile on your own.
Teamwork works better than the individual. If you have a history of failing at your weight loss, fitness program or in how to lose your love handles - do not worry. Everyone has failed at these at some time. But here is the answer - a dose of accountability.
How to lose your love handles will become a lost easier with such an approach to your fitness programs.
Click Here for Love Handle Exercises and Reduced Gut Information For a shocking expose of the biggest scams, myths, lies and deceptions in the weight loss, diet and supplement industries, why not head over for a FREE 12 part mini course. Click Right Here for more information
Posted by
Brian Jackway
1:18 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
What's The Skinny on Diets: How to Lose Your Love Handles
"The Weight Loss Word
The world's largest study of diets & weight loss revealed most people quickly regain lost weight and, in the process increase their risks of heart attack, diabetes and stroke."
Research by Deakin University revealed Australian women are spending collectively $414 million per year on weight loss products and services only to find their quest to be thinner results in failure.
Short term dieting and then the usual return to the old eating patterns or habits will never work as a long term permanent weight loss solution. It can also elevate your chances of stroke, heart attack and diabetes. So it is fair to say that diets do often put your health at risk.
Your body learns to survive on less fuel in it's brilliant system with less food intake. Therefore your metabolism slows down considerably so when the diet is over and you resume old eating habits, normally you put more weight on than you lost very quickly.
Diets dictate to be successful that you eat certain foods and sometimes at various times. Usually most of us are not conditioned for this or used to it. Therefore motivation tends to wane easily.
Ignoring your own individual needs for too long will make failure almost certain. How to lose love handles requires a vision for what you specifically want, a plan of attack proven to work and accountability by a coach or trainer or significant other.
I have found this resource and believe it has some of the best resources around. In diet or fitness there are many formulas that work. This site - Click Here - has some of the best of them with thousand of examples of workout and diet success stories.
Posted by
Brian Jackway
3:53 AM
Friday, December 7, 2007
2 Critical Factors for Any Diet or Fitness Routine to Avoid Failure. Used by Sports People Around the World
Elite athletes of any sport, successful business people, even outstanding achievements in music or the arts have 2 primary reasons for succeeding.
Conversely, those that fail in sport, fitness, diets and business do not operate from these 2 principles. Consequently they fail over time.
What are the 2 principles underpinning success?
Sure - you can say - "I just want to lose some weight". But this is not clarity. Generalities do not cut it! Tell me right now specifically, "What exactly do you want from your fitness and diet routine?"
A great answer might go something like this: "I would like to lose 28 pounds over the next 3 months, fit into size 12 jeans, exercise 5 times a week and feel better than any other time in my life."
Specific ideal is what this is. Visionary and specific wins the day.
A simple exercise I suggest you do which may in fact change your diet or fitness routine into a winning successful one is to come up with 3 written ideals for the next 3-5 years and 3 written ideals for the next 90 days asking this question, "What exactly do you want from your health and fitness?"
The 2nd part to this first step is to find a great strategy or plan of attack to take you down the path you want to go. In business we call this a business plan and often it can be modelled or re-engineered on what another successful business has done. Tony Robbins calls this modelling.
Take a proven, successful formula and copy it (with flexibility for change to suit your own needs).
In diet or fitness there are many formulas that work. This site - Click Here - has some of the best of them with thousand of examples of workout and diet success stories.
Most people under estimate accountability. I believe it is the cornerstone for all success. Having a coach (business or personal coach) to report to, motivate you, congratulate you and to "kick you up the backside" is all part of achieving anything.
So if you have failed in your fitness goals; if your diet is not working for you consider this: Do you have a written down vision of what you want? Do you have a plan of attack? Do you have someone holding you accountable who cares about your success? This may make the difference between success or failure.
I struggled for many many years in losing weight and getting fit. Finally some bad news about my heart motivated to make big changes. I found this site also. It helped me with great workouts and diet tips that are practical and easy to follow.
Click Here for a Great Resource for Fitness and Diet Help
Posted by
Brian Jackway
12:12 PM
Labels: diet or fitness routine, diet routine, fitness routine, love handle exercises
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Jumping Rope: What an Amazing Cardiovascular Developer
Jumping rope (skipping) is one of my favourite exercises and the results speak for themselves.
I have been using skipping for a long time now in tandem with other love handle exercises, interval training and sprinting (shuttle runs). I seem to reach a very high standard of cardiovascular fitness very easily.
It has been said that 10 minutes of jumping rope is more beneficial than 30 minutes of running. I have found this to be true.
My routines usually last between 10-15 minutes (which really breaks through the myth that exercise must be longer than 20 minutes to be of benefit) and I take care to exercise on sand at the beach, or on grass rather than the continuous pounding of concrete or hard surfaces.
What about you? Is there anyone out there with some great stories around jumping rope and it's amazing benefits? I would love to hear from you.
Click Here for Love Handle Exercises and Reduced Gut Information For a shocking expose of the biggest scams, myths, lies and deceptions in the weight loss, diet and supplement industries, why not head over for a FREE 12 part mini course. Click Right Here for more information
Posted by
Brian Jackway
6:11 PM
Labels: jumping rope, love handle exercises
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
5 Things You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs
by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
1. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.
2. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.
3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I'll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that produce 10x better results below.
4. You DON'T need to waste your money on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills or other bogus supplements. I'll show you how to use the power of natural foods in more detail below.
5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Again, you'll learn what really works by clicking this link below.
Click Here for The #1 Rated Abs Program as Rated by Clickbank
Posted by
Brian Jackway
5:00 AM
Labels: love handle exercises, truth about abs